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Daria Ramanouska

I have been Katarzyna Spryszak’s student since October 2009 till June 2010. When I came to Poland, I knew some basic of the language, but thanks to Katarzyna who helped me to break the ice and start talking polish. Katarzyna has her own methods of teaching based on an individual approach to each student. She is great in tailoringher lessons to student’s need. She is both good in explaning grammar rules and teaching new vocabulary.


Katarzyna is a friendly, creative, well-prepared and professional teacher. Her lessons are interactive, variable, I never get bored. Katarzyna helped me also to understand better Poland, Polish culture and people.

I would have no hesitation in recommending Katarzyna to anyonewishing to learn Polish.

Conall McGuire

I would like to recommend Ms Katarzyna Spryszak who was my Polish teacher from August 2009 until October 2010.

Ms Spryszak prepared an individual program on my behalf, first for upper intermediate level and later more suited to advanced. I rate very highly the educational methods incorporated in her lessons which influenced, in a very positive manner, the way which the language was taught. Ms Spryszak is very flexible and can tailor-make the lessons to suit the individual needs and pace of her students.

Professionalism, creativity and precision, would also be words I would associate with the way in which her lessons are conducted.


During lessons with Ms Spryszak I not only greatly improved my proficiency in the Polish language which allowed me to communicate on many topics, e.g. business and company issues, but I also discover a wonderful amount of new things regarding Polish culture, beliefs, customs and daily life.

Keeping the above in mind, I have absolutely no hesitation Ms Spryszak to those who require effective and interesting lessons of the Polish language.

Uczę się języka polskiego już od 3 lat. Ale naprawdę zauważyłam progres dopiero, kiedy zaczęłam zajęcia z Panią Katarzyną. Pani Katarzyna jest nauczycielem, który nie tylko zna i uczy świetnie gramatyki, ale również  przekazuje wiele uwag dotyczących rozwoju umiejętności mowy w języku polskim.


Pani Katarzyna - profesjonalista, która wie, jak organizować proces uczenia się i jak motywować uczniów. Po ukończeniu studiów, ja, która nie mogłam początkowo formułować prostych myśli w języku polskim, teraz jestem w stanie tworzyć złożone wypowiedzi. Należy też zauważyć, że na lekcjach jest miła atmosfera, zawsze jest poczucie humoru i dobre relacje między nauczycielem a uczniami. Mogę polecić Panią Katarzynę, jako wybitnego nauczyciela języka polskiego.

Maryia Matoshko
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